четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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I have the day off today.� Brighthouse should be coming with my DVR box sometime later.� Yippee� I will never have to miss a show again.� I am so drowsy this morning.� I even have a huge cup of coffee that is failing to wake me up.� This afternoon I am picking up BC from school to take him to therapy and then his grandma is coming for him this evening.� Tonight I am supposed to attend a party for (=^_^=)apos;s 30th b-day.� I donapos;t know if she knows I�am coming.� Ex-friend (that I wrote about a little bit ago) invited me and I just found out it is being held at someoneapos;s house.� I hoped it was in public because I was going to get some of (=^_^=)apos;s work friends to go.� What I�do find odd and insulting is that after days of ex-friend texting and myspacing me about this, she sends me a text last night telling me that it is tacky for her to invite me...what?� I donapos;t quite know what she means by that I am really not wanting to go at this point.� I probably will for a little while simply because it is (=^_^=) and I�want to be there for her 30th b-day party.� Tomorrow we get to take out S. For her b-day lunch and present giving.� I am excited, I have had the idea of this present for months and have actually had the present for about a month.� So, I�finally get to give it to her.� Yesterday I had to have a meeting with BCapos;s teacher.� We had to go over a basic education goals paper where we agree to go certain things to help along BC in his education.� It was painless and we chatted for a while after.� She did tell me that she adores BC and that he is a pleasant child to deal with.� His teachers usually do like him, it is everyone else in the school who has the problem.� She also told me I�was very pleasant to talk to and that must be where BC gets it.� She did say she was going to have to get firm with him again because the last few days he has really been goofing off and distracting�the class.� The whole meeting was very positive.� MC got sent home from work yesterday.� They had some sort of problem with a machine and MC fixed it, but forgot to take a part to some guy to inspect afterward.� The company has some weird policy about having to throw away so many parts after something like that happens and they were not happy.� MC�says three other people were involved as well, but they were superviser types and elected to let him take the fall.� The policy there is to send someone home after a mistake like that.� I think that is a stupid idea because now you have just had to throw away 500 parts and now your short handed.� Way to screw yourself.� So, MC was depressed all last night.� I will say he was nice a quiet though.� He seemed to depressed to even pick a fight with me.� Well, I am going to chill and wait for the cable guy now.

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